room on the Nuovo Olimpia of Rome!
Alin, Masha Nader and second generation immigrants
not consider it just a film about children of immigrants, the identity of second generation immigrants, but also a film about teenagers and their conflicts with school and family. There is no feel-good rhetoric, story without judging. " So the 31 year old director Branko Schmidt, feature debut with The Melon, talks about his documentary Brothers of Italy, on May 7 in room distributed by Cinecittà Light and special mention of the Rome Film Festival, Other Cinema-Extra section, "to look amazing and who enters the game with real lives of three teenage children of immigrants."
The Romanian Alin, the Belarusian Masha el'egiziano Nader, all three students of the State 'Toscanelli' Ostia, also Italian citizens, are the authentic protagonists and overtime, with their Roman accent mixed with the language of ' origin, their daily lives as teenagers. The camera will pawn their complex in this age of transition, which prepares the input among adults, in contrast with the rules made requests from parents and school, difficult compromises with their foreign origin and the traditions to which they belong.
Brothers of Italy is an unusual documentary that approaches the fiction, and I told the lives of these three boys in the interior of the family, in classrooms and in groups with friends. Before shooting I met in the school of Ostia the stories of many children and once the story more interesting choices, I asked subjects to perform and do not forget the presence of the room. "
And the result is an extraordinary glimpse of a multiethnic society, especially the third and deeper episode with the young Nader, born in Rome, dealing with the education of Muslim family who would like to see with a girl of her own religion and not an Italian.
"The line that I gave during the shooting was to make things happen that could happen - the director said - and because I believe the lie or the worst lie I've left the blasphemy in the film, the sentences against Jews and blacks , pronounced by my Nader supporter of new forces. "
Giovannesi then explains that he developed his previous documentary Welcome Bucharest (2007), awarded to the Festival of Bellaria and Salina, starring a young Romanian. The producer Giorgio Valente (The Labyrinth) has also made known the reality of the Institute Toscanelli where more than 15 percent of students are of foreign origin, schools also selected for the Project Educinema the audiovisual language, supported by the Culture of the Region of Lazio.
For now, the documentary comes out in 5 copies, waiting to see the reception room. "We intend to follow the same path from the mouth of the wolf's documentary Peter Marcello, knowing that we have the task of distributing light as Cinecittà works such as Giovannesi," says managing director Luciano Sovena. Already
now and for the next school year there may be organized in Italy by Fratelli matinees for students of secondary schools.
Bookings are available toll-free number 800144961. The site offers a section of the film Schools Project with any useful contributions to the preparation for a viewing or for further discussions.
from the site of Cinecittà Light