London London London And here I am again on Italian soil. The week in London and 'was a great success. Crystal and the school 'went very well, with fifty participants are very pleased to be part of the morning class that's part of the afternoon tutorial. I worked every afternoon as responsible for educating more basic tutorials' of about thirty people from the use of crystal neophytes. On the first day and 'always a bit' weird. The participants (often used code plane waves) are a bit 'hesitant, doubtful and incredulous about the fact that Crystal is able to be so' efficient functioning and performance on all systems will be crystal clear that the 'in food. So have fun trying to get in Chestnut arguing that crystal is not working and what is 'this thing' that ... 'But' cause I have to define the shrinking factor? But it would be better ...." and come up with proposals for theoretical alternatives that you understand half 'at best. then try to explain the theory that there is 'behind and more' or is less convincing. and then "sorry, crystal does not work. me 'a mistake." you ask them to show you the error and reading already know 'what's' wrong' you defined in the basic input for all atoms irriducili? " "Sure!" (Read: I'm not stupid excuse ?????). ok. "You can open your input please?" open it. And see that lacks the basic molecular hydrogen on the crystal of urea. ok, they 'will diminish.
The second day they go ahead alone and begins a sequence of specific questions to their research work. Invariably there is 'someone who tries to make a serial on the fullerene in which the machine will be' available ... a PC .... SCFDIR not enter the keyword (this' for those who work) and everything crashes because 'it and' saturated disk space .... "Sorry, crystal does not work" and you can not say "no, crystal work. Picio are you and you limit yourself to a" no, Actually you are not Supposed to run on this hardware in fullerene software and Under These Conditions ". And try to make them understand that the tutorials are designed to make it 'that people learn the basic functions of crystal and THEN, only THEN, try to use it on crystalline systems involving his research.
Then there 's always what comes out with "they are teaching us MgO But you are not going to learn anything by the end of the week". You go up to even the fumes' cause I'm already 'passed the 6 of the second day and you're' tired of certain arrogant attitudes. Then gather all your karma points, breathe deeply and you will go out with a more 'or less diplomatic "Actually, MgO is a very good banchmark to learn how to USE crystal in a Few Days Quickly since it runs well and converges in A Few SCF cycles. We Are Not Trying to teach you anything about MgO. You Should Already Know everything about it. " And so 'put it to rest. And at the end of the school even asked for autographs and photos on hand near his poster .... Long live the middle way!
And we are at the end of the second day. Wednesday
'I followed only the first two morning classes. Then, taking advantage of the afternoon poster session, I reached my players and I went around with them. Lunch with Valerie from Pizza Hut, by choice of Ema that wanted to eat pizza. And it 'was very disappointed' cause the sauce was sweet. However, we were fine.
Thursday 'and Friday' rose fast, as always happens after the turning point. Now the participants in the tutorial avoid mistakes 'common due more' than anything else to distraction and they're doing well for themselves. While not sparing you specific questions but often interesting. And the bills that usually turns the fullerene, but at least no longer dares to 'make you see the output ....
It comes at the end of the school. Tired but satisfied. People congratulates and thanks you and says, "and crystal clear that this' fantastic! Congratulations!" as if you were the mother crystal. and makes you a lot pleasure 'cause still your little contribution you're making.
So much for the scientific part. For the rest Mau and Ema have shot a lot: museums, Oxford Street, Piccadilly, Westminster, High Street Kensington, Hyde Park. We had a great time! Guests of Joseph and Rachel, we felt like home. Ema has always eaten and drank her milk and enriched his collection of toy cars. Impressed by the dinosaurs of the Musuem of Natural History and Science Museum, he turned to walk for a week between metro and shops. A real hoot! He played every night with Joseph and when he asked him if he wanted to stay with him replied that it '... then the words "but stay here with me without mom and dad '?" and the answer is' switched to an emphatic no. To our great pride:)
More 'or less and that' what. The photos, in the next post!