Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Healing Stages Of Ring Worm

Latest photos was

Another month has passed since the last update of the blog. I apologize to the regulars, but August was a month a bit 'weird that I was having mood swings with one hand and the mind engaged elsewhere on another side. However, it was a good month: demanding but also stimulating and therefore satisfactory. I attach to this post the latest photos Augustines ...

day of August in Turin for the week of rehearsals in London.

Day of August: the restaurant with my grandparents Bagnasco.
Here we end up with a nice cup of chocolate ice cream variegated.

trip by train to the Verrez .... funny face (1)
.... funny face (2 )....

..... and funny face (3 )..... mater semper some east ....

Here we are. Experiments in fluid dynamics with so much Prof:)

The road to success ....


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